Fleet Week in the Port of NY/NJ



The fleet arrived in the Port of NY/NJ on the morning of May 24 and was an impressive sight to see. Ed Kelly, Executive Director of MAPONY/NJ, was privileged to “ride in” on the USS KEARSARGE, the amphibious assault vessel that was the “flagship” of the visiting fleet.  The city looks great coming in and we are all so proud of our Sailors and Marines.  Fleet Week in the Port of NY/NJ was actually started by MAPONY/NJ many years ago, and continues to be a source of pride.





  • As previously noticed, on May 16, 2017 a meeting of Port stakeholders was held in the NYSA-ILA training conference room to discuss operational parameters which may be required to accommodate the safe and efficient meeting handling of Super Ultra Large Container Vessels in the Port. The meeting was chaired/coordinated by the USCG.
  • Discussions revolved around the documents previously circulated.
  • Key elements of discussion involved the definition of SULCVs (beam over 159ft), visibility and wind parameters, the limitation of SULCV transits to 1 hour either side of a slack tide, the need to establish advance notice systems, meeting/passing restrictions, bunker barge operations, bow in/stern out operations, Port Jersey restrictions for passenger vessel and/or car carrier berthing, requirement for mid-ship crane placements, and boom-up requirements, limitation of max 2 bow/stern lines per bollard, requirement of 100 ft minimum spacing between berthed vessels alignment, etc.
  • Discussions also included such economic topics as passage/vessel priority decisions, berthing restrictions, work stoppage requirements, etc, and who will be a possible governing party to resolve any potential dispute.
  • USCG and all stakeholders agreed to carefully consider all comments.
  • Further meetings will be convened as/when required.



  • Advised that the NYC Mayor’s Office will be announcing a Jobs Initiative Program intended to create 100,000 new jobs over the next 10 years.
  • It is expected that transportation, including maritime-related industries will be a targeted segment due to the high percentage of living wage jobs with family sustaining benefits.
  • The program will seek to help create jobs delivering incomes of $50K or higher, or jobs of at least $30k with career development potential.
  • The program is intended to address income gaps, and high unemployment segments.
  • The program will attempt to stimulate infrastructure development, and create public awareness of job opportunities.
  • Further details will be announced shortly, and NYCEDC will work with the maritime industry.



  • Have you noticed a lot of Sailors and Marines in town?
  • Fleet Week began as a flotilla of Naval and USCG vessels sailed into NYC on May 24, 2017 as part of the opening of Fleet Week in NYC.
  • Vessels have been open for public visits at various locations including the NYC Passenger terminal, SUNY Maritime, and the US Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point


USCG Foundation Golf Outing

  • The annual USCG Foundation Scholarship golf outing was held at the Staten Island Golf Club on May 22, 2017, and although a bit “soggy” was enjoyed by all.
  • This outing benefits the scholarship fund for deserving USCG families.
  • If you missed the event this year, plan on attending next year for a fun outing supporting a great cause!



  • On April 25, 2017 a meeting was held at the Central Park Zoo offices of the Wildlife Conservation Society to discuss the present status of marine mammal conservation.
  • The meeting involved various maritime stakeholders and concentrated on the whale community.
  • Current procedures, and newly evolving detection/avoidance capabilities were discussed.



  • Following the Harbor Ops Full Cttee meeting held on May 17, 2017, an Oil Terminal Roundtable meeting was held to discuss maters of importance to oil/bulk terminal facilities.
  • The meeting was chaired by LT Miller, USCG, and discussed SULVC protocols and operating requirements, updates on bridge construction/demolition projects, and the condition and safety considerations of gangways.



  • Incidents of dangerous encounters with drones, and lasers have been reported in the harbor.
  • These dangerous occurrences will be discussed at the next Passenger Vessel Sub-Cttee and be forwarded to the Harbor Ops Steering ctte for further review.



  • All port stakeholders are reminded of the urgent need to make all necessary reports of domestic cargo and passengers to the USACE. These reports are vital components for consideration of USACE dredging and survey funds, and under, or non-reporting will result in the potential of underfunding for critical Port infrastructure work.



  • On June 4, the World Ocean Festival will hold an OCEAN MARCH parade of boats. The parade will depart Pier 64 at noon, and terminate at Gantry Park on the East River at 1500hr. The parade is anticipated to include approximately 20 vessels proceeding at a speed of 6 knots. The largest expected vessel will be the JOHN HARVEY.
  • On June 24 there will be an outrigger race off the New Jersey Shore.
  • City of Water day will be held on July 15, and is expected to involve many human-powered vessels, and small boats.



  • MAPONY/NJ participated in the April 18/19 Seattle meeting of the NOAA Hydrographic Services Review Panel, a Federal advisory committee to NOAA. Topics included charting initiatives, PORTS systems and funding, precision navigation projects, NOAA budgeting, surveying and NRT operations. It was a pleasure to see CAPT Linda Sturgis, a recent Sector NY officer who is the current Captain of the Port, Sector Puget Sound.
  • Ambassador Phil Murphy, candidate for the Governor’s office of the State of NJ, joined the BoD of MAPONY/NJ following their business meeting of April 26 to discuss matters of concern to the commercial maritime industry in the NY/NJ Port.
  • MAPONY/NJ’s       24th Annual International Maritime Hall of Fame Gala was held on May 10, at the Grand Hyatt and was an enjoyable and successful evening.
  • The next session of our award-winning SHIPPING 101 class is being held on the week of June 12-16. There are still some very limited seating opportunities open…get in touch if you or your staff would benefit from attending this great class!
  • On May 18, Kevin Corbett, MAPONY/NJ President, Andrew Genn, MAPONY/NJ Director, and Ed Kelly, MAPONY/NJ Executive Director, joined the Working Harbor Cttee Harbor Tour as Narrators for the students of the Urban Assembly School of Global Commerce, and a private NJ HS to tour the harbor on a NY Waterway vessel mad possible by a generous grant from the marine Society of the City of NY. It was an excellent opportunity to explain the workings of the maritime industry in the Port





  • CAPT Day confirmed that LTC Buck will be taking over control of the Waterways Management from CDR Jake Hobsen in June. A turnover period has commenced.
  • Ellis Island proposal has received 124 comments in favor of, and 1 comment against allowing small craft to pass behind, and thereby avoid the need to transit in the main channel. It is expected that the USCG will move forward on this proposal with a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in the near future. The notice would clarify such items as allowed vessel size/type, hours of clearance, etc.
  • Subsequent to the recent PAWSA, and the NTSB report, USCG is now preparing a full study of ways to enhance recreational boating safety.
  • Noted that a Stena vessel, STANDARD PERFORMANCE, broke loose from her moorings. USCG will do a full investigation.
  • Noted that BOEM will conduct a hearing pertaining to potential Off Shore Wind Energy projects on June 15. USCG will advise further info.
  • Noted that preliminary discussions regarding the annual MACY’S 4th of July fireworks display have commenced. USCG will provide full report at the June steering Cttee meeting.
  • Confirmed that as a result of the approx 37,000 gallon spill (including PCBs), there was an East River Safety Zone established on the East side of the river, and a Restricted Navigation Area (maintain steerage/no wake) on the west side of the river. Divers are still working to discover the source of the crack/leak.



  • NOAA reminded all parties that the comment period for the NOAA National Charting Plan would close on June 1, 2017, and urged any interested party to file comments by that date.




  • Confirmed that maintenance dredging of Newark Bay would be scheduled for September 2017 through April 2018.
  • Confirmed that annual maintenance dredging of Sandy Hook Channel would be done during the Fall of 2017.
  • Confirmed that 6 of the 7 requested berthing permits for City Wide Ferry have been granted thus far. It is expected that an additional 4 landing permits will be sought for 2018, and by late May, or early June a Public Notice will be forthcoming.
  • USACE is considering the potential to establish standards for lighting on mooring buoys. USACE will route a “draft” Public Notice through Harbor Ops for comment before publishing.
  • Advised that the reported shoaling in front of the Bayonne Drydock appears to be in the non-Federal area between the channel and the drydock, and that the property lease should indicate the party that is responsible for remediation.
  • Confirmed that the environmental testing for Ward’s Point is currently underway.




  • Reported that 2017 maintenance dredging of berths at Maher/APMT/Global will commence in July
  • Confirmed that the MOA between PANY/NJ and USACE to re-evaluate dredging requirements in the Port has been concluded. The project will examine such issues as additional/deeper anchorages, easing the Bergen Point turn, etc. The parties will establish the initial scope of the potential project, and will present to Harbor Ops Steering Cttee for comment/review.



  • It is currently expected that traffic will shift to the new bridge by August 2017.
  • All demolition is proceeding as scheduled with routine updates available on the HOMEPORT website.



  • Project remains on schedule with E/B traffic expected to be routed to new bridge on/about June 10, 2017.
  • The project managers will produce monthly updates of all work.
  • The old deck is expected to be removed in July
  • When the main span of the old bridge is to be lowered in Mid-late August, 2017, it will be necessary to have a COMPLETE CLOSURE of the channel for a maximum of 36 hours. VTS will coordinate with all stakeholders to select the best week/day for the closure, and will give maximum advance notice. It is currently projected that the closure may occur during the week of August 21.
  • It is currently projected that piers and footers will be removed in April 2018, that cofferdams will be installed in July 2018, and that construction cantilevers will be removed between Sept 2017 and March 2018.
  • During cantilever dismantling, there may be work barges in the channel, but all barges are subject to “Move on Demand” with one hour notice.
  • Old pier footings will be removed to a depth of -46ft.



  • Reported that the City Wide Ferry system is now operational to the Rockaways and expanded East River services.


CONRAIL Lehigh Valley Drawbridge

  • CONRAIL manager met with the Harbor Ops Steering Cttee to review the possibility to require one hour notice to request the raising of the said bridge due to considerations of increased train traffic, and a need to improve communications. Discussion ensued and CONRAIL will evaluate all comments and seek to re-engage the Steering Cttee as necessary.




  • A meeting of the Full Newtown Creek Citizen’s Advisory Ctte (CAG) was held in Queens on the evening of 5 April 2017.
  • USEPA and DEP reported on their various studies including: Clean Water-Floatables; Long Term Combined Sewer Overflow controls; Human Risk Analyses; Ecological Risk Analyses; Remediation Evaluation Study.
  • Riverkeeper advised that they have received a grant to initiate a study to create a Vision for Newtown Creek that will address and include all facets of stakeholder input.
  • NYCEDC presented their Secondary Channel study which identified the critical economic importance of maritime-related industry located on NYC secondary channels, and how proper dredging plays an important role in keeping these channels open for commerce, and creating jobs.
  • Reviewed options regarding placards that will be positioned on NC to advise of contaminated seafood caught in the area.

ULCV Ready?

  • With the de-construction of the Bayonne Bridge proceeding smoothly, preparations to ensure that NY/NJ is ULCV ready continue apace.
  • All parties concur that final operating parameters will not be established until all proper considerations are made.
  • The last 2 classes at MITAGS are in the final stage after which the HOPs Deep Draft Working Group (DDWG) will review all simulation results/considerations, and make recommendations regarding operational requirements and procedures.
  • DDWG will coordinate with the USCG VTS to create initial operating guidelines.
  • PANYNJ will discuss with the Vessel Coordination Group including vessel operators and Marine Terminals.
  • USCG will initiate a Port Stakeholder meeting to discuss initial operating requirements and get stakeholder input. The meeting will be held May 16, with announcements being circulated to concerned parties.
  • Discussions will detail proposed operating guidelines including: # required pilots;# required tugs; definition of ULVCs; anchorage usage; traffic patterns;, impact on non-ULVC port operations; bunkering operations; weather constraints; tidal windows; potential for virtual ATONs due to restricted visibility; and others.





  • Ellis Island proposed rulemaking extended written comment period closed on April 17, 2017. USCG will announce result after tabulation/consideration of all comments.
  • Coast Guard City-Staten Island application already in process for consideration. Will await decision.
  • PAWSA- (Port And Waterway Safety Assessment) has been reviewed by Sector NY. Currently being finalized at USCG HQ, and expect final report within several weeks.
  • The Atlantic Coast Port Access Route Study (ACPARS) has been completed, but is not fully responsive to area needs, with only limited proposals regarding setbacks and traffic lanes.
  • The NTSB report regarding boating safety that touches upon the recent incident between a ferry and kayakers in NY harbor has attracted some attention. The report will be evaluated/discussed by the HOPs Education Sub-Cttee with recommendations/comments back to the Stg Cttee. LCD Hobson will establish a POC for further discussion.


  • Still evaluating the Hallets Cove, Astoria landing area for City Wide Ferry (CWF).
  • CWF held a rec-boater meeting to discuss current plans/options
  • Any potential conflicts with established/traditional kayak launch/landing areas will be evaluated and mitigated in the coming months. HOPs will be kept updated on progress.
  • There will be a USACE public comment period established before review of any USACE permit being granted.


  • Sandy Hook and Newark Bay area maintenance will be performed this Fall.
  • Cheesequake Creek testing/sampling project has not yet received funding.
  • Sampling/testing at Ward’s Point Bend will commence with dredging projected to take place in approx 1 year.
  • USACE is considering permits filed for CWF at LI City and Roosevelt Island landing areas.
  • CHPE-USCG 1st District now evaluating the submitted Navigation Risk Assessment prior to any further movement by USACE.


  • Noted that the NOAA National Charting Plan is available for public comment.


  • Confirmed that the Spring soundings are being finalized, and should be available by mid-May.


  • The de-construction phase is proceeding smoothly
  • A new PORTS air-gap sensor has been positioned on the upper roadway, and will be activated when navigational clearance has been established.
  • Discussions regarding the replacement of necessary current sensors continues among PANYNJ/NJDOT/USACE/NOAA to determine proper requirements/hardware/software.
  • Current sensor funding will be obtained through the Bi-State Dredge Fund.


  • Now initiating studies to determine movement of area sediments
  • Working with NYC to study needs/potential for area mass evacuation plans



March 2017


  • It has been announced that LT David Melhar will assume the duties heretofore performed by LCDR Megan McGovern who will assume a sea-going billet for NOAA. Welcome aboard Dave!

Special Award-

  • On 23 MAR 2017, RADM Linda L. Fagan, and Master CPO R. Shane Hooker assumed the Inaugural Gold & Silver Ancient Trident at a ceremony held at the Alexander Hamilton US Custom House in NYC. We applaud both recipients!! Apparently having a posting as Captain of The Port Sector New York can be good for your career!

Newtown Creek CAG-

  • The Full Newtown Creek Citizen’s Advisory Group will meet on 5APR 2017, at 1830hr at the Queens Library located on 21st Street in Long Island City. The CAG will hear updates from the EPA regarding recent study findings, and will see the NYCEDC presentation on Secondary Channels.

Education, eh?-

  • On 16 Mar 2017 a group of 75 visiting 11th and 12th grade students and staff from the Greater Toronto Area visited our Port so better understand the operation and economical importance of our Maritime Community. The group was comprised of a select number of students, and the trip was organized by EduTravel. A presentation was made by MAPONY/NJ, PANYNJ, and NYSA at the Port Newark Seamen’s Church Institute facility.


  • The Ellis Island Proposed Rulemaking that would allow passage of small craft to pass behind Ellis Island has been re-opened to allow further comment. MAPONY/NJ has already filed comments in FAVOR of the proposed rule which would increase safety by allowing small craft to avoid transit in the more heavily travelled main channel.
  • The Staten Island Wheel Project is moving along on schedule, and an updated presentation of progress/scheduling will be made to HOPs in the near future.
  • Staten Island will be submitting a request to be designated a “Coast Guard City” in accordance with USCG HQ standards. If appropriate, after review it is expected that many harbor entities will sign on to support the proposal.
  • CAPT Day attended a meeting of the Propeller Club, and was pleased to note that our Harbor Ops Cttee was highly praised.


  • Maintenance dredging in Port Newark Channel continues as scheduled
  • Sandy Hook Channel will become the subject of an environmental study to better understand shoaling in that vicinity.
  • Cheesequake Creek will have upland testing done if funding is found.
  • The City Wide Ferry permit for the Hallet’s Cove landing is being reviewed in consideration of the nearby kayak launch. Although the initial permit had been issued in JAN, 2017, the new review is necessitated by new information.
  • The 2018 City Wide Ferry permits are expected to be published soon.
  • The New York State Marine Highway permits in the Hudson, and at Glen Cove remain under consideration.
  • USACE is still tracking the CHPE/TDI Navigational Risk Assessment.
  • Newtown Creek has been surveyed with the result available on the USACE website.
  • It is expected that the joint USACE/PANY/NJ re-evaluation of the 50 ft dredge project should be finalized shortly. USACE/PANYNJ will contact Harbor Ops for input.


  • The replacement of current buoy(s) at Bergen Point continues to be evaluated as to the actual requirements, project schedule, available partners and funding. It is expected that this issue will be resolved shortly.


  • It is expected that NOAA Co-Ops group will make a presentation to the Full HOPs Cttee at the regularly scheduled June meeting

Goethals Bridge De-Construction

  • A presentation was made by KWM, and J A Pierson, the Engineering Firms managing the GB deconstruction project.
  • Monthly updates will be made available of scheduling/progress
  • Notification of any requested channel closures will be made 14 days in advance
  • June 2017 will begin prep to lower the 336ft suspended span.
  • A cantilevered support system will be used to anchor the posts.
  • During the pavement removal/deconstruction phase a 130 ft barge will be working in the edge of the channel, and netting will be in place which will reduce air-gap by approx 2 ft.
  • A minimum of 1 hr notice will be necessary to effect Move-On-Demand barge movement
  • July 2017 will begin mobilization.
  • Currently expect to lower the suspended span on August, 14, 2017. This will require a 36 hr closure of the channel.
  • Between Sept. 2017-Feb 2018 cantilevers and remaining structures to be removed.
  • During non-work overnight hours, barges will be removed from the channel, and properly lit.
  • To avoid any disruption due to barge work, vessels may wish to consider scheduling transits during night hours.

Ports Day

April 4 is ‘Ports Day,’ AAPA Announces
By Mark Edward Nero
The American Association of Port Authorities says that its entire membership in North, South and Central America and the Caribbean will celebrate Western Hemisphere Ports Day on Tuesday, April 4 in recognition of the industry’s role in supporting job creation and propelling the economies of the nations they serve across the Americas…(Read full article)

NTSB – Shared Waterway Safety

NTSB – shared waterway safety

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) issued a Marine Safety Recommendation regarding safety of recreational and commercial vessels in shared waterways of the marine transportation system (MTS). The report recommends, among other things, that the US Coast Guard establish a process whereby, at regular intervals, all harbor safety committees identify the safety risks posed by the interaction of commercial and recreational vessels in their respective geographic areas and, when necessary, develop and implement practices to mitigate those risks.


MARITIME MATTERS – February 2017



PSEG Sewaren Project

  • The AKRF engineering firm has updated their initial plan for the barge delivery of various over-sized components which will become a part of the PSEG Power LLC Sewaren Unit 7 Combined Cycle Project.
  • The mooring systems for unloading the barges has been largely re-defined so as to be in more in accordance with comments made at their last meeting with HOPs Stg Ctee
  • It is now expected that the small pieces may begin delivery in April, and the large piece may be delivered in late June, or early July.
  • It was advised that the large piece will be transported on a barge measuring 100X300f, and will have an air-draft of 132 ft.
  • There will not be any night work performed, and the barges will be lit to USCG standard.
  • The barge operator will be Mamoet.
  • The 6 smaller barges will not pose any problem to navigating the channel.
  • The large barge will require a 6-8 hr maneuvering/unloading window, during which time no-wake provisions will be requested.



  • The Bayonne Bridge upper level roadway was opened to vehicular traffic on Presidents’ Day.
  • This will allow the start of lower roadway de-construction to begin


Newtown Creek

  • The Newtown Creek Citizen Advisory Committee (CAG) Steering Cttee (of which MAPONY/NJ is a member), met to evaluate progress and set the next meeting for the full CAG.
  • The Stg Cttee reviewed various issues relating to EPA reports, upland issues, aeration and health studies, ‘no fishing’ signage, dredging options, and the findings of several tech reports evaluating water quality.
  • The CAG by-laws will be reviewed with the aim of allowing a faster voting procedure.
  • EPA will be present at the next Full CAG meeting to discuss their various studies to date.
  • It is hoped that NYC EDC will be able to present their Secondary Channels Study at the next Full CAG meeting.
  • Date/location for the next Full CAG meeting will be advised shortly



  • The National Transportation Safety Board has released their study regarding mixed waterway usage.
  • This is a key consideration in the Port of NY/NJ.
  • The full report will be reviewed at the next HOPs meeting.


Brooklyn Maritime Summit

  • Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams will convene a Brooklyn Waterfront Summit on Feb 22, 2017.
  • MAPONY/NJ is an invited party
  • We will report any issues/updates shortly



  • We are in the final stages of updating our NEW MAPONY/NJ website, and expect to go LIVE shortly.
  • We will announce our “Opening Day”, and hope that everyone will visit us!