The following items are issues that should prove to be of interest to MAPONY/NJ Members. As always, should any Member want to get more detailed info regarding any of these issues, please feel free to contact Ed Kelly.




Attached hereto please find fact sheets detailing vessel movements for May, 2016 and comparative year-to-date JAN/May.




We are pleased to advise that the vessel SS JOHN W BROWN will be making a visit to NYC.  This ship represents not only our nation’s maritime heritage but also New York’s maritime history as she served as a High School for 37 years. 


Donations are being solicited and the organizing group  is still  looking for sponsors. There are a few openings for evening parties and luncheons.  For more information please contact Karen Basciano at or 410-560-8122


The ship will be berthed at Pier 36 East River by the Manhattan Bridge. It will be open for visitors every day from Friday September 9th to Monday September 19th. 


As a reminder, the Marine Society will be hosting a fundraiser aboard the BROWN Friday September 9th from 5-8PM. Cocktails and hors devours will be served. There will also be an auction and the ships store will be open.


On Sunday September 18th there will be a cruise in NY Harbor along with an air show and various entertainment. Tickets are currently on sale on the website. A promotional code will be sent out as well for discounted tickets to all members. 


If you have any questions or request additional information please reach out to Karen Basciano. 


  • As separately reported in our HARBOR HAPPENINGS for June of 2016, BOEM is accepting public comments pertaining to their evaluation of leases to be made for the development of Wind Energy Power projects in the area between the Traffic Separation Scheme Lanes south of Long Island, NY and east of Sandy Hook, NJ.
  • On the evening of June 20, 2016, Ed Kelly attended the public hearing held by BOEM in the Middle School of Long Branch, NJ.
  • Ed publicly testified regarding the necessity of the safety of navigation, and went on the record as requiring:
  1. Noting that wind towers have been demonstrated to interfere with radar signals, it would be required to establish a minimum of 2 miles setback from the Traffic Lanes, with a minimum of 5 miles setback from the northwestern entry/exit to the Lanes
  2. That all lighting be shielded so as to eliminate/minimize any interference with mariner’s night vision.
  3. That at least one pass-through corridor be established to allow the free passage of smaller coastal vessels.
  4. That there be a demonstrated contingency plan for any incidents which would otherwise impede normal transit navigation.
  5. That the towers be equipped with both AIS and cellular telephone transponders.
  6. MAPONY/NJ will also submit written testimony prior to the July 6, 2016 deadline.


    • Public comments regarding this project may be submitted electronically to : with the code: BOEM-2016-0038 until July 6, 2016.


  1. VGM in NY/NJ


The International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) SOLAS VI/2 regulation on verified gross mass (VGM) takes effect on Friday, July 1, 2016, at ports worldwide. All terminals in the Port of New York and New Jersey will provide scale weights for use, at the carrier’s discretion, for export containers arriving to a terminal by truck without a VGM.

Under those conditions, a $10 fee may be assessed by the terminals to the ocean carrier. When a shipper has a VGM, please coordinate directly with your ocean carriers for the timing and format for transmitting.


Container weights provided by the railroads are not accepted for VGM purposes.


  • For all exports received into Maher Terminals via ExpressRail Elizabeth, a VGM supplied by the ocean carrier via EDI will still be required before a container will be loaded onboard a vessel.


  • At PNCT, APMT, GCT New York, GCT Bayonne and RHCT, any export container arriving via rail without a VGM will be assessed a $75 charge, weighed and the weight transmitted to the ocean carrier via EDI, once the charge has been paid.


If you have specific questions about your cargo, please contact your terminal operator




The Port Newark Food Truck Fest will take place at The Seamen’s Church Institute’s International Seafarer’s Center, 118 Export Street, Port Newark, on Tuesday July 12, 2016 from 3 to 7 p.m.


Come join truckers, longshoremen, terminal managers, and a host of other Port workers and residents for some good food and good times!


For tickets and information, email, call 973-589-5828, or simply stop by the International Seafarer’s Center at the port. 


I hope to see you there!!


USCG has solicited public comments regarding the District 1 consideration of a petition for additional anchorages to be established on the Hudson River. We firmly support this petition and MAPONY/NJ will submit written supporting correspondence. The deadline for submittal of public comments is September 7, 2016, and comments can be submitted under Docket number USCG-2016-0132 using the Federal eRulemaking Portal at: MAPONY/NJ will circulate our comments to the full membership, and encourage all members to submit comments in favor of this important safety-related issue.




Although NYCDEP has “officially” abandoned the water siphon between Staten Island and Brooklyn, the Great Lakes dredge barge that was scheduled to be re-positioned from Baltimore to complete the required removal/deepening, suffered damage to its’ crane, and the project has been delayed until the crane can be restored to service. It is now estimated that work will be re-scheduled, and the work will be completed in late August, or early September 2016. We will keep all members advised of the updated schedule. Upon “completion” of this project, the Port will have a final 50 ft channel. All parties are reminded that since virtually all NY/NJ berths are dredged to 50 foot, the “actual” draft limitation will be 49 feet due to USCG requirements to maintain at least a 1 foot underkeel clearance in order for the vessel to remain “afloat” while at the berth.




The vibrant Port of NY/NJ commercial maritime industry activity has attracted several Maritime-Themed conferences to our area. The traditional Port Industry Day will be held on SEPT 26; for the first time the New York Maritime Forum will include maritime operational matters and will be held on SEPT 13; and for the first time a Northeast Waterways Conference to be held on a date to be advised soon. We will relay info regarding each of these events as it becomes available.


  • On June 23, 2016 MAPONY/NJ attended the Annual Meeting of United Seamen’s Service. Since 1942, United Seamen’s Service (USS) has provided recreation, communication, counseling, dining and health services for thousands of seafarers at its eight centers worldwide and to those on ships, in hospital or detention.
  • USS is the organization that hosts the annual AOTOS (Admiral Of The Ocean Seas) gala dinner which benefits their overseas service centers.
  • A sister organization , the American Merchant Marine Library Association (AMMLA) collects donations of both new and used books, videos, CDs, etc and forwards same to American and Allied Merchant and Military ships. On several occasions, MAPONY/NJ has organized book drops that benefit AMMLA




On June 14, 2016 MAPONY/NJ attended a meeting of the Newtown Creek Citizen’s Advisory Group Steering Cttee. As previously advised the Newtown Creek CAG is an advisory group to the EPA as the EPA plans the remediation of the Newtown Creek superfund site. The meeting reviewed several water quality and health study results. MAPONY/NJ attends in order to represent and further the needs and requirements of the busy Newtown Creek commercial maritime operations located there.


  • On June 2, 2016 the Urban Assembly School of Global Commerce held their Career Day so the students would have an opportunity to meet people engaged in Logistics/Transportation careers and explore their future career choices. Several MAPONY/NJ members attended the function and felt that it was a rewarding experience. Any MAPONY/NJ Member interested in attending future events should contact Ed Kelly for further info.
  • On June 17, 2016, MAPONY/NJ presented the MAPONY/NJ Award to Midshipman Black at the US Merchant Marine academy Awards Convocation. Ed Kelly presented the award to MIDN Black.


  1. 12. POSIDONIA


The International POSIDONIA 2016 Exhibition was held in Athens, Greece on June 6-10, 2016. MAPONY/NJ had created a white paper highlighting commercial maritime activity in NY/NJ which was included in the NYMAR presentation made in POSIDONIA.  NYMAR is composed primarily of legal and financial service providers, and made a presentation to attract maritime business to the NY/NJ area. The presentation was well received.



In June, 2016 our Harbor Safety, Navigation and Operations Committee (Harbor Ops) had meeting of the Steering Committee on June 1 and of the Full Committee on June 15. As is traditional, the Steering Cttee June meeting was held on the tug MIRIAM MORAN with MORAN hosting lunch aboard the tug. Many Thanks to MORAN for their continued support!

Key points of interest for the month of June, 2016 were as follows:


  1. USCG
  • ADM Poulin has succeeded ADM Fagan as Commander of District 1
  • LCDR Bill Grossman has left Waterways Management and has been reassigned to USCG Battery, while LCDR Jake Hobson has assumed command of Waterways Management and will be stationed at Sector NY Staten Island.
  • The plans for the 4th of July Macy’s Fireworks display will be essentially the “same” as for last year due to the fireworks barges being planned to be located in the same locations as last year. It is currently planned that 4 barges will be located in the East River near Randall’s Island while 2 barges will be placed near the Brooklyn Bridge. Restricted Navigation Areas (RNAs) will be in effect from 1700-2300 hrs on the day of the event. Full detail regarding barge locations and sanctioned viewing areas can be seen on USCG HOMEPORT website.
  • The USCG Training Vessel EAGLE is still scheduled to visit NY/NJ August 5-7, 2016. Further information regarding visitation/viewing will be forthcoming.
  • USCG Sector NY is planning a meet-and-greet to be held on September 9, 2016 at USCG Sector NY headquarters on Staten Island in order to have the maritime community meet the new incoming USCG personnel.
  • Several buoys will be temporarily relocated to facilitate dredging in Sandy Hook Channel. Full detail is available on USCG HOMEPORT website.
  • To accommodate construction at the Tappan Zee Bridge, there will be scheduled closings of the main channel for 6-8 hours once or twice a week. During these closures marine traffic can utilize the alternative channels which have been recently surveyed and updated by NOAA survey teams. Full detail regarding scheduled closures is available on USCG HOMEPORT website.
  • USCG and PANY/NJ have met to identify navigational issues that may arise due to the construction of the “new” Goethals Bridge. Results of their meeting should be available shortly, and we will give updated info when received.
  • USCG has solicited public comments regarding the District 1 consideration of a petition for additional anchorages to be established on the Hudson River. We firmly support this petition and MAPONY/NJ will submit written supporting correspondence. The deadline for submittal of public comments is September 7, 2016, and comments can be submitted under Docket number USCG-2016-0132 using the Federal eRulemaking Portal at: MAPONY/NJ will circulate our comments to the full membership, and encourage all members to submit comments in favor of this important safety-related issue.


  1. USACE
  • On May 1, 2016 the second “revised” Navigational Risk Assessment (NRA) for the Hudson River CHPE cable was submitted to USCG for their consideration. As previously advised, MAPONY/NJ continues to be adamantly OPPOSED to this project due to the petitioner’s plan to bury their power transmission cable in an extraordinarily long portion of the Hudson River navigational channel.
  • The petition for additional mooring buoys remains under consideration. MAPONY/NJ has submitted written comments in FAVOR of this proposal.
  • Maintenance dredging is planned for Newark Bay in early September 2016 and in the East River (near South Brothers Island) in mid-October 2016.
  • Sandy Hook Channel has re-shoaled much more rapidly than expected and a study will be done to examine the possible causes for this.
  • NYCEDC’s petition for landings for the new City-Wide-Ferry program remains under consideration. It was noted that due to the opposition by HOps, the 62nd street landing has been eliminated from the petition.
  • USACE confirmed that the derelict barges have been removed from Flushing Bay.
  • Although NYCDEP has “officially” abandoned the water siphon between Staten Island and Brooklyn, the Great Lakes dredge barge that was scheduled to be re-positioned from Baltimore to complete the required removal/deepening, suffered damage to its’ crane, and the project has been delayed until the crane can be restored to service. It is now estimated that work will be re-scheduled, and the work will be completed in late August, or early September 2016. We will keep all members advised of the updated schedule. Upon “completion” of this project, the Port will have a final 50 ft channel.
  1. NOAA
  • Confirmed that full surveys of the “back” channels of the Tappan Zee Bridge have been conducted and all charts updated accordingly. This will accommodate the afore-mentioned construction-related main channel closures to be scheduled.
  • Survey vessels are updating survey data in the Hudson River. The vessels are starting in Albany, and will move south as they survey.
  • NOAA COOPs is planning to conduct a study to produce a model that will predict currents in the harbor. In the fall NOAA plans to place approximately 25 temporary buoys to capture data necessary to build the model. A committee of HOps members will “mark up” a chart to indicate key areas for study/prediction so that NOAA will place the buoys in the most critical areas.


  1. PANY/NJ
  • PANY/NJ is in discussion with Buckeye who is considering the need to place an electrical/fuel line near the Bay Ridge Anchorage. This would require a small (approx 2,000 yds) amount of dredging. Buckeye pumps aviation fuel to JFK airport. Details of planning will be made available when concluded.
  • Maintenance dredging of PANY/NJ piers continues. The “Ribbon Cutting” ceremony for the completion of the 50 Ft. Channel will be scheduled after the finalization of the water siphon project completion.


  • Confirmed that NYCEDC will host the Tug & Barge Cttee Industry Information Day at the Brooklyn Cruise terminal on June 2, 2016.
  • As part of a City-wide Freight transportation Study, NYCEDC will conduct a Heavy-Lift/Oversize Study in an effort to ensure that all Boros have adequate lift/land areas that will help to remove truck traffic from local neighborhoods.
  • The City-Wide Ferry system continues to move ahead. A study to determine/minimize engine emissions is being initiated.
  • The Waterfront Navigator website is full functional and is expected to be of great assistance to those seeking waterfront permits.
  • There is continued interest to the South Brooklyn Marine Terminal RFP with several entities expressing interest in same.


  1. ENERGY Sub-Cttee
  • Reminded all attendees that when the CHPE proposal is examined it must be remembered that an almost identical cable in SFO Bay has been found to have been insufficiently buried, and has risen to the seabed thus creating a snagging hazard, and that in addition, a similar cable in LI Sound has been found to have 9 locations where the cable had to be re-buried. These findings reinforce the Industry position that the CHPE proposal must be compelled to bury their cable at a depth considerably deeper than they have proposed.
  • BOEM has given preliminary notice that they will be opening a large tract of sea bed for lease which will be located 11 miles off the Long island coast between the Traffic Separation Scheme lanes. BOEM made a presentation at this meeting to outline their plan.


  1.  EDUCATION Sub Cttee
  • Reported that they had been in touch with the operator of the on-water Newtown Creek school whose canoe had capsized recently. Safety and precautionary measures were prescribed, and the operator was invited to HOps to have a further discussion.
  • It was noted that there seems to be a very significant increase in the number of jet skiers in the Port. A pilot of a large commercial tanker was forced to take evasive maneuvering action in order to avoid striking a fallen skier.
  • The cttee will prepare a proposal for a budget which would allow them to proceed with several projects that they are working on. Upon receipt of the proposed budget, the Full Cttee will consider various funding options.


  1. TUG & BARGE Cttee
  • Reported on their successful Industry Information Day which was sponsored by NYCEDC at the Brooklyn Cruise terminal on June 2, 2016. The event attracted a crowd of approximately 50 people who represented various local, state and federal electeds and agency staff. After a continental breakfast, a presentation proclaiming the importance and relevancy of the Tug & Barge industry was made. Following the presentation, all attendees were invited for a tugboat ride, during which industry mariners pointed out various maritime-related activities, locations, and facilities. Three tugboats participated in the rides, and thanks go out to Moran, Vane Brothers, and Wittich Brothers for providing boats and crews.
  • Eric Johansson gave an overview of his attendance at the International Tug and Salvage Conference in Boston.
  • A recap of the June 13 Tappan Zee Bridge construction meeting was made.
  • It was pointed out that the HOps Cttee should create better cooperation with NYC OEM so as to fully understand opportunities to work together in the event of any emergency situation.


  • The pilot training program at MITAGS begins on June 27, 2016. The program is designed to accurately simulate the transit of 14,000 TEU capacity vessels in the Port of NY/NJ.
  • Noted that ADM Sam DeBow (NOAA, Ret), has been contracted to work with the NOAA team associated with the simulation training and modeling.


  • Ms Erin Trager, New York project Coordinator for the Bureau of Ocean Management (BOEM) made a presentation regarding the Proposed Sale Notice for Commercial Leasing for Wind Power on the Outer Continental Shelf Offshore New York, which was published in the Federal Register on June 6, 2016, and includes a 60 day public comment period.
  • The indicated area is approximately 11 nautical miles south of Long Beach, NY, and approximately 16 nautical miles east of Sandy Hook, NJ. The area is located between the Traffic Separation Scheme lanes.
  • The area currently provides for a 1 nautical mile setback from the traffic lane boundaries.
  • The lease will comprise a 1 year preliminary term, a 5 year Site Assessment term, followed by a 25 year operational term to be followed by either a lease extension or a decommissioning period.
  • Public hearings will be held in Long Branch, NJ, Hempstead and Westhampton, NY to provide information regarding the Environmental Assessment, and to solicit public input.
  • For more information visit:
  • It was also noted that permits for cables to shore would be governed by USACE, and all work within 3 miles of shore would require State permits.
  • HOps will file comments pertaining to safety of navigation.



  1. IMHOF


Our International Maritime Hall of Fame Gala was held on May 11 this year. Once again, we had a terrific slate of International Honorees, and tables, ads, and sponsorships were well supported. This annual gala event is our sole fundraising event of the year. This event has truly become a noted annual gala gathering of so many of the senior leadership of our Industry. If you attended, we hope that you enjoyed the evening. If you missed it…we hope we’ll see you next year. Invitations are always sent to all MAPONY/NJ members. The 2017 International Maritime Hall of Fame is presently scheduled for 10 May, 2017, and we are ready to start our search for eminently qualified candidates for next year’s inductees!




On May 7 and 8, the America’s Cup international sailing race was held in New York Harbor for the first time in nearly a century.

Our Harbor Safety, Navigation and Operations Cttee (HOPs) worked closely with both the USCG and the event sponsor to minimize any adverse impact on commercial navigation during the Race.


As usual, the Sector New York USCG folks did a great job, and managed to ensure that the race went as scheduled, with no reported adverse effects to commercial navigation




MAPONY/NJ continues to support and encourage maritime-related education

  • In coordination with the Working Harbor Cttee, we provided an on-water Harbor Tour for students of UASGC on May 19. In addition to the Working Harbor folks, we were also joined by representatives of AECOM (our own President, Kevin Corbett!), New York City Economic Development Corp, and Bethann Rooney of the PANY/NJ. The students enjoyed the day on the water, and hopefully learned how important waterborne transportation is for our Local, Regional, and National economy.
  • The MAPONY/NJ Graduation Award for SUNY Maritime was presented on May 13, and the USMMA Award will be presented on June 17.




On May 3, MAPONY/NJ attended a NYC City Council Committee on Waterfront hearing regarding the role of the Waterfront Management Advisory Board (WMAB). MAPONY/NJ is a member of the MAB. The Waterfront Committee is chaired by Councilwoman Debi Rose of Staten Island, with whom we have a good working relationship. The public hearing was well attended, and MAPONY/NJ testified in favor of the renewed activity of the WMAB, as well as expanding the size of the WMAB by three (3) additional members. It is expected that this initiative to amend section 1303 of chapter 56 of the City Charted will be adopted in an upcoming City Council meeting. The legislative text is Int. No. 507.

On May 2, MAPONY/NJ  attended a New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)  hearing which discussed  proposed revisions pertaining to Solid Waste Regulations which are contained in Part 360 of the NYS Code. MAPONY/NJ is particularly interested in revising the regulations governing Navigational Dredged Material through NYSDEC’s Beneficial Use Determination (BUD) process. We hope that required revisions to the Code will lead towards the reduction of the burdensome costs related to the disposal of NDM, and therefore reduce the cost of dredging operations by effecting more reasonable solid waste beneficial use regulations in NYS. We will continue to follow this process. The public Comment Period will be open until July 15, 2016.




Our report of ship stats for April 2016 is appended hereto. Year-on-year comparisons show an increase of 5 for the month of April, and the year-on-year Jan-Apr results are up by 16. Hopefully our good trend continues!




MAPONY/NJ attended the annual meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Association of Coastal Ocean Observing Systems (MARACOOS) which was held in Annapolis, Maryland on May 12/13, 2016. EJK is a Director of this group, and as such, all travel expenses are paid by MARACOOS. The group is established under NOAA, and deals with coastal observations, and systems. The group deals with weather stations, current, wind, high-frequency radar, salinity, etc. Data is integrated into the USCG search-and-rescue models, and many navigational models and observing platforms. Our role is to ensure optimal results for commercial navigation within our region.


  1. VIDA


We continue to work with our Vessel Discharge Coalition partners to have the Vessel Incidental Discharge Act (VIDA) enacted into law this year.  The VIDA would establish consistent national standards to be applied on a national basis, which would supersede the myriad state and/or local regulations currently causing confusion. VIDA legislation is currently attempting to be attached to MARAD amendments under the National Defense Authorization Act. Further progress is expected after Memorial Day.




MAPONY/NJ submitted comments to the USACE in favor of the installation of additional harbor moorings to be used by NY State Marine Highway Transportation Co. The new moorings would be required to accommodate their new aggregate transport business. It is noted that moorings can be preferable to anchoring due to increased stability, and lesser impact on the bottom due to anchor strikes and dragging.




We are most pleased to have been advised that the PANY/NJ has entered into a contract with NOAA to fund the Physical Observing Real Time System (PORTS) for an additional four (4) years. PORTS is essential to safe navigation, and will be of increased importance as larger vessels begin to call in our Port.  




MAPONY/NJ has been approached by the NJTPA to assist with their study to evaluate NJ regional waterborne transportation requirements and opportunities. We will meet with them to determine the scope of their study, and help them to identify and contact knowledgeable industry partners.




MAPONY/NJ created a brief white paper which is intended to highlight commercial maritime activity in NY/NJ, which will be included in the New York Maritime Inc. (NYMAR) presentation to be made at the POSIDONIA 2016 Exhibition to be held in Athens, Greece on 6-10 June, 2016. NYMAR is primarily composed of legal and financial service providers, and they are making a presentation to promote doing business in the NY/NJ Port area. For your ready reference, a copy of the MAPONY/NJ white paper is attached hereto.




At the April BoD meeting, it was decided to update our MAPONY/NJ Mission Statement to read as follows:


It is the mission of the Maritime Association of the Port of NY/NJ to serve the commercial maritime industry in the NY/NJ region by monitoring and disseminating data regarding vessel activity to its members and the public, to act as an advocate for the commercial maritime interests of the Port at the municipal, state, and federal level, and to promote the safety of navigation, the security of maritime assets, the protection of the marine environment, and the competitiveness of Port services.




NYC Economic Development Corp has announced the availability of their WATERFRONT NAVIGATOR product. Over the past several years, NYCEDC has worked with the US Army Corps of Engineers, the NYS Department of Environmental Protection, and many interested members of the maritime community (including MAPONY/NJ) to construct a website that will serve to assist persons seeking permits for waterfront property maintenance and/or construction to understand the complex requirements to obtain the requisite permits from the various regulating agencies. The website is rather concise and helpful in guiding a permit seeker through the necessary steps to obtain the proper permits. The website can be accessed at:



Steering Cttee


  • A presentation was made by NJ Transit to give an overview of the planned Raritan River Bridge replacement project. The NJT team made a powerpoint presentation intended to give a broad overview of the project and solicit comments from HOps members.
  • The bridge under consideration is the Rail bridge spanning between Perth Amboy and South Amboy. The current bridge is over 100 years old, but was damaged in Sandy, and the new bridge would be designed to maximize resiliency. The current bridge is a “swing” bridge spanning a 300’ Federal navigation channel, but due to the center island, the bridge actually offers 2 X 125’ channels. There is an 8’ clearance in the down position, and a max 140’ clearance when up. The bridge is opened 4-5Xdayin most seasons, but an average of 14Xday in peak Summer season.
  • NJT is now considering what type of replacement bridge most suitable (i.e: lift; swing; or bascule). They are soliciting advice to aid determination.
  • Public meetings will be held in late Spring/Summer of 2016, with schedules to be advised. Permit applications will be made in 2017. NJT is about to initiate the required Environmental Assessment.
  • HOps recommended a “lift” design because of the benefits of a single, non-obstructed channel, the opportunity to place lift machinery at a higher level, and the potential to offer faster, partial openings depending on air draft requirements.
  • NJT would plan to construct the new bridge to the west of the existing bridge, and remove the old bridge when the new bridge is opened.
  • HOps will meet with NJT again in order to develop operational procedures during construction/removal work.


  • NYCEDC gave a presentation of their WATERFRONT NAVIGATOR website product which is designed to guide concerned parties through the complicated process of obtaining the proper requisite permits to do waterfront construction and/or repair.
  • WATERFRONT NAVIGATOR is the product of several years work to identify, and categorize the permitting process in New York State and City. The need for this product was identified several years ago while developing the NYC Comprehensive Waterfront Plan, and has required many meetings among waterfront stakeholders, and the several regulatory bodies with jurisdiction over these permit processes.
  • A one page summary sheet is appended hereto for your ready guidance.
  • This product was very well received by the HOps members.
  1. USCG
  • FLEET WEEK- will be held the week of May 23, and we are now expecting 18 ships, which will be berthing in Brooklyn, Staten Island, NYC, and Jersey City.

     The “usual” restrictions will be in force, with detail to be published by USCG.

  • The USCG training vessel EAGLE will visit NY/NJ on August 5. More detail to follow.
  • USCG expects to receive a request for a marine event permit from the folks who are promoting “Citizen’s Bridge”. This is a floating walkway that would be constructed across Buttermilk Channel between Brooklyn and Governors Island. This project had been “pitched” to HOps several years ago, and failed to win support. HOps will be involved should they actually file a permit. The “target date” is currently set for August 2017.
  • BOEM has leased land off the South Shore of Long Island which may be under consideration for offshore wind development. We will watch for, and participate in any public meetings, and/or permit applications.
  • Noted that there was a potential waterways conflict on the upper Hudson pertaining to protestors attempting to put kayakers in the water to block vessel traffic.
  • Noted that USCG has received a petition to eliminate the RNA behind Liberty and Ellis Islands to allow vessel traffic. USCG will have a public notice period to receive comments.
  • Noted that the Hudson River Anchorages petition is still under study in District 1
  • AMERICA’s CUP is proceeding as planned with practice scheduled for May 6, and racing on May 7and 8. Depending on weather conditions the viewing area may have to be shifted. USCG and local authorities will be on hand to regulate and assist as needed.


  1. USACE
  • CHPE-noted that the CHPE Navigational Risk Assessment is being studied by USCG. Also noted that the same cable construction firm had experienced an anchor strike/drag and scouring in the San Francisco District. NY District will follow-up for more detail. HOps still strongly opposes the CHPE proposal to site the cable within the length of the navigational channel.
  • The permit for the Carteret Marina has been issued with the stipulated “special requirements”.
  • Discussed the application to place 4 barge mooring buoys in the area, and noted that the application to place 1 buoy near Ellis Island has been withdrawn.
  • The NYC Ferry permit applications are OK, but no application was made for the initially considered 62nd St landing.
  • There will be a public notice published pertaining to a proposed floating energy plant that would be located at the Brooklyn Navy yard, in Wallabout Bay.
  • 50 foot channel-plan for late June work in the anchorage area, and Jersey City.
  • USACE has received funding to remove derelict barge in Flushing Bay Creek, and now scheduling/contracting with operator.
  • Still no solution in sight for the removal of El Jefe.
  1. NOAA
  • COOPS will be seeking input regarding the need for current forecasting/modeling in the Harbor. HOps will stand up a sub-committee to work with NOAA as needed.


  • PORTS will be funded through the year 2020
  • The water siphon is scheduled for abandonment on May 12. Currently expected that dredging will commence mid-June, finished about 1 month later.
  • PA berths will be dredged to remove approx 250K cu. yd. Work will be done between June and the end of 2016. Updates to come.
  • PA will attempt to obtain approx $55 Million under provisions of WRDA 2016 legislation which will be used for dredging


  • Giving a grant to study navigational dredged materials
  • MAPONY/NJ reported NYS DEC public hearing attended on May 2 which addresses changes to NYS regulations pertaining to solid waste, navigational dredged materials, and beneficial use disposition.


  1. NYSA
  • Advise that Hugh Marley was replacing Joe Bonney at the JOC with Joe relocating to NOLA
  • Cautioned of a computer virus circulating.


  1. T&B Cttee
  • Advised that DHS is contacting harbor carriers to determine how to maximize maritime response capability during crisis.


  • Reported on matters separately reported under MARITIME MATTERS.



FULL  Cttee


  1. USCG
  • FLEET WEEK- will be held the week of May 23, and we are now expecting 18 ships, which will be berthing in Brooklyn, Staten Island, NYC, and Jersey City.

The “usual” restrictions will be in force, with detail to be published by USCG. We are pleased to note that this year’s parade of ships will be led by 4 tugs from our local harbor.

  • The USCG training vessel EAGLE will visit NY/NJ on August 5. More detail to follow.
  • Noted that USCG has received a petition to eliminate the RNA behind Liberty and Ellis Islands to allow vessel traffic. USCG will have a public notice period to receive comments. The petition seeks to allow recreational and other small craft to proceed behind the Islands and avoid going into the commercial channels. USCG will seek public comment.
  • Noted that the Hudson River Anchorages petition is still under study in District 1, and it is hoped that the petition will proceed smoothly. Public comment is encouraged to support this petition.
  • AMERICA’s CUP proceeded as planned, and it was estimated that there were approx 175,000 spectators. USCG and other enforcement agencies were on hand to control vessel traffic, and there was no report of any adverse impact on commercial navigation.
  • It was confirmed that the USCG Foundation Scholarship Golf Outing would be held on 22 May, 2016 at the South Shore Country Club. The event was a big success with over $20,000.00 raised to benefit scholarships for USCG dependents. McAllister Towing was the sponsoring organization for the event.
  • Noted that July 6, 2016 would be the last day that CDR Moose would be working with Sector NY before moving to his new assignment at USCG NAVCEN in Alexandria, Va. All parties wished him success in his new position.
  • CAPT Day advised that due to annual turnover in Sector NY, a meet-and-greet will be held on 9 Sept, 2016 at Sector NY to allow introductions and familiarization between the maritime community and “new” Sector NY personnel. More detail to follow.


  1. USACE
  • Discussed the application to place 4 barge mooring buoys in the area, and noted that the application to place 1 buoy near Ellis Island has been withdrawn. Public comment period is closed (MAPONY/NJ DID submit comments in favor of allowing the permit)
  • The NYC Ferry permit applications are OK, but no application was made for the initially considered 62nd St landing. Public comment period will be announced soon.
  • 50 foot channel-plan –removal of the water siphon is scheduled for 2 June, excavation will begin 15 June, and navigational clearance is expected by late July.
  • USACE has received funding to remove derelict barges in Flushing Bay Creek, and now scheduling/contracting with operator. Removal is expected within 1-2 weeks.
  • Maintenance work continues in Newark Bay, and East River near South Brothers Island.


  • PORTS will be funded through the year 2020
  • PA berths will be dredged to remove approx 250K cu. yd. Work will be done between June and the end of 2016. Updates to come.
  • PA will attempt to obtain approx $55 Million under provisions of WRDA 2016 legislation which will be used for dredging


  • Discussion of the ULCV simulation/training program. Noted that several pilots have visited US West Coast ports to ride ULCVs and discuss handling requirements with USWC pilots. Phase I of the training/simulation program will begin in June at MITAGS. Phase II will be to share training with ALL pilots.
  • NJDOT is initiating a second contaminant reduction program with the intent of finding ways to reduce the cost of dredged material management.


  1. NYSA
  • Advised that Hugh Marley was replacing Joe Bonney at the JOC with Joe relocating to NOLA. (NOTE: EJK met with Hugh on 9 May, 2016 to make introductions and offer MAPONY/NJ coordination/information function)


  • Reported the release of their WATERFRONT NAVIGATOR joint permit application guide.
  • Expanded NYC Ferry hearings will be scheduled. Further info at:


  • Reported on matters separately reported under MARITIME MATTERS.


  • Representatives of USCG Navigation Center (NAVCEN) located in Alexandria reported on the function of the Center.
  • NAVCEN handles such critical operations as: GPS; Nationwide Automated ID System (NAIS);Nationwide Differential GPS; Local Notice To Mariners; Long Range ID and Tracking (LRIT); US Aids to Navigation Information Management System; and the USCG Electronic Chart Portfolio Management function.
  • Noted that CDR Elliot Moose will move from Sector NY to NAVCEN in July, 2016
  • Further info available at:


  1. PRESENTATION-NYS Marine Highway Transportation Co.
  • Mr. Rob Goldman made a presentation describing the business plan of NYS MHT Co.
  • Currently seeking 2 new moorings in Bay Ridge Flats anchorage area.
  • Plan to use 20 inland hopper barges to move aprox 500,000 ts of aggregate over the course of a 5 year contract.
  • Needs moorings to break down tows
  • Moorings are located within the anchorage area, and may be considered preferable over anchoring due to predictability of location, security, and less bottom impact due to reduced dragging and anchor strikes.


  1. Passenger Vessel Sub-Cttee
  • Noted that due to increased incidence of “rail jumpers” a $5,000.00 fine has been issued to a “repeat offender”. Posters advising of the potential fines will be conspicuously posted.
  • Discussion of incident where a heavily loaded canoe from a nearby Boathouse program which contained children was “flipped” by the wake of a tug/barge in Newtown Creek. Harbor Ops had previously advised against such operations.


  1. Energy Sub-Cttee
  • Report that the SFO pilots advised that a cable similar to that proposed for usage in the CHPE project was snagged by an anchor in SFO Bay. It was also found that the cable had been “scoured” and was uncovered. This incident should be considered in the USACE permit process.


  1. Deep Draft Working Group
  • Advised that revised deep draft guidelines will be published after siphon removal, and evaluation of the ULCV simulation project.


  1. Tug & Barge Cttee
  • Noted the Annual Meeting to be held on 11 May, 2016
  • Noted that 4 local tugs will lead the Fleet Week parade of ships
  • There will be an Informational Day on 2 June in Brooklyn.





  1. SHIPPING 101


Our Spring Semester SHIPPING 101 class was just held last week, with 18 students in attendance. For the first time we used classroom space at Seamen’s Church Institute in Port Newark, and we thank them for their generosity. The terminal tour was hosted by Global Container Terminal who showed off their state-of-the-art facility. We have held a Spring and Fall Semester every year since 2007, as well as several group-specific classes. Over the years we have trained hundreds of Port personnel! Keep an eye out for our Fall offering!




On the morning of Saturday, April 16, our Harbor Education Sub-Committee sponsored a SHARED HARBOR TOUR which managed to get a mix of over 130 professional and recreational mariners onto a NY Waterways Ferry for a guided tour of our Harbor around the southern part of Manhattan. At each of 7 designated spots, we heard from both professional and recreational mariners as they discussed key points regarding safe navigation in those locations. LOTS of good conversations which will make the Harbor a safer place for everyone! NYC EDC even provided bagels and coffee! Thanks to all our sponsors, speakers, and participants. I’m sure we’ll do it again!


  1. IMHOF


Our International Maritime Hall of Fame Gala will be held on May 11 this year. Once again, we have a terrific slate of International Honorees, and although tables, ads, and sponsorships are selling quickly, there is still time to make sure that you are there for what is always a gala gathering of so many of the senior leadership of our Industry. Invitations have been sent to all MAPONY/NJ members, but if you need a new copy…get in touch with us. Don’t wait too long!…we usually sell out!


  1. CHPE


MAPONY/NJ has opposed the Champlain Hudson Power Express petition to obtain a USACE permit (NAN-2009-01089-EYA) to lay power cables within a very extensive length of the Hudson River navigation channel for several years. Despite our vehement opposition, this politically favored, and big-budget (over $3 Billion) project has continued to move forward. We have previously reported regarding the many meetings, and correspondence that we have been involved in over the years. This permit now appears to be in the final stages before approval from the USACE. As a near-final step in the permitting process, the CHPE team has filed an extensive Navigation Risk Assessment report. The NRA has been prepared by an internationally known consultant (Intertec), and is quite extensive. On Mar 24, MAPONY/NJ attended a meeting with the CHPE team to review the Draft NRA. At that meeting, we represented MAPONY/NJ and our T&B Cttee and joined AWO, Hudson River Pilots, and Sandy Hook Pilots in commenting on the Draft NRA. Our position was:

  • The cable should NOT be allowed to be allowed to be laid within the Navigation Channel for such an intrusive length, but rather, should only be allowed to cross the Channel in a perpendicular design, as is usual and customary.
  • The study, although well designed, did NOT use accurate data pertinent to the actual Hudson River sites, but rather applied mathematical computations based on non-Hudson data and reports
  • Despite probability statistical computations, the fact that the cable would be in such an extensive length of the Channel definitely posed an increased risk as opposed to limited perpendicular crossing(s)


As a near-final step in approving the NRA, CHPE passed their NRA to the USCG for their review. On Apr 13, USCG held a meeting with interested stakeholders to provide an opportunity to hear any concerns. At that meeting we represented MAPONY/NJ and our T&B Cttee, and joined AWO, Hudson River Pilots, and Sandy Hook Pilots to enumerate our concerns. USCG had Reps from District 1, as well as Sector NY Waterways Management. We reiterated our concerns as outlined above and USCG “noted” same for their consideration.


We are awaiting the outcome of the USCG conclusion regarding the acceptability of the CHPE NRA.




On May 7 and 8, the America’s Cup international sailing race will return to New York Harbor for the first time in nearly a century.

Six teams, each representing a different country (including defending champion ORACLE TEAM USA), will race in the Hudson River, reaching speeds up to 40 miles per hour. The teams participating in the Louis Vuitton America’s Cup World Series will vie for points counting toward the final competition for the 35th America’s Cup in Bermuda in 2017.

Racing will take place from 2 -3:30 p.m. on both Saturday, May 7 and Sunday, May 8. The New York winner will be announced Sunday. The race will take place off Battery Park City and the Brookfield Place Waterfront Plaza, where organizers expect up to 20,000 spectators. The plaza will also be home to a central event village. The event is free, and no tickets are required.


Our Harbor Safety, Navigation and Operations Cttee (HOPs) worked closely with both the USCG and the event sponsor to minimize any adverse impact on commercial navigation during the Race.




In the State of NJ, the public has a right to access and use the tidal waterfront in accordance with the Public Trust Doctrine. The rules governing this access were formulated by NJDEP, and we had lobbied and helped create the wording of those rules so as to exempt any Facility operating under an approved Federal Facility Security Plan from being forced to provide public access to those facilities. Due to a successful lawsuit brought by a NJ environmental group, those NJDEP rules were invalidated, and it was found that only legislation could deal with this NJ Public Trust Doctrine matter. NJ Senator Robert Smith, acting as Chair of the Senate Environment Committee established a format for interested stakeholders to make recommendations regarding public access legislation and issues. We have been a part of that stakeholder group, and have had several meetings to formulate recommendations to Senator Smith. The recommendations were a composite of all stakeholder positions, and listed “agreed”, as well as “pro” and “con” positions. The recommendations were presented at a hearing held on April 21.

Our primary objectives were:

  • Exempt any facility operating under a valid Federal Facility Security Plan from having to provide public access
  • Exempt any facility operating under a FSP from having to provide off-site access in lieu of on-site access.
  • Grandfather all above from having to provide off-site access in connection with new permits on existing footprint


We were successful in having it be recommended that FSP facilities be exempted from having to provide public access, but the concept of not requiring off-site mitigation, or exemption for future permits were “contested” by environmental groups.

Senator Smith is currently reviewing the stakeholder committee recommendations, and will prepare draft legislation for review by the early Fall.

We are joined in this approach by other components of “critical infrastructure” such as power plants, other transport modes, and various utilities. We will continue to follow up with Senator Smith’s staff to ensure that our positions are well understood.




Newtown Creek has been declared a contaminated area subject to Federal Remediation. The lead Federal agency is the EPA which has created a Citizens Advisory Group (CAG) to advise them and provide pertinent requirements and guidelines for local concern. We are a member of the CAG Steering Committee, with the goal of ensuring that commercial maritime concerns such as dredged depth, bulkhead requirements, and shoreside/terminal capacities are considered and protected. At this stage, we have already made preliminary statements regarding commercial maritime operational needs, and are primarily just “monitoring” meetings as the EPA is currently focusing on scientific studies evaluating water and sediment properties, and various health-related issues. The most recent meeting of the CAG was on 19 April. We will continue to monitor and protect maritime interests.




MAPONY/NJ continues to support and encourage maritime-related education. In addition to our own SHIPPING 101 program, we have worked with The Harbor School, McKee Technical HS, the Urban Assembly School of Global Commerce, SUNY Maritime College, and the US Merchant Marine Academy. Current issues are:

  • Upcoming May 12 meeting of the Advisory Board for the UASGC
  • In coordination with the Working Harbor Cttee, we will provide an on-water Harbor Tour for students of UASGC on May 19.
  • Graduation Awards for SUNY Maritime and USMMA
  • Noted that NYC City Council Woman Debi Rose’s Apr 12 newsletter highlighted an article titled “Connecting Staten Islanders With Waterfront Careers”. Councilwoman Rose is currently serving as the Chair of the NYC Council Waterfront Committee. I will meet with her to get a better grasp of her intentions and determine how MAPONY/NJ can best interact.




The NYC Department of City planning has established a “Technical Advisory Committee” with the intent to create a forum which will present and evaluate various programs/designs that would have the potential to favorably address urban resiliency by enhancing:

  • Reduced Flood Hazards
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Promoting Physical and Operational Strategies
  • Exploring Financial and Insurance Challenges.


MAPONY/NJ attends these meetings, the most recent of which was held April 7 to ensure that the requirements of commercial maritime properties are known, and to avoid the imposition of burdensome, expensive, and/or impractical regulations.




On May 3, MAPONY/NJ will attend a NYC City Council Committee on Waterfront, hearing regarding the role of the Waterfront Management Advisory Board. MAPONY/NJ is a member of the MAB. The MAB was activated during the Bloomberg administration, but the DiBlasio administration has thus far not shown any active interest in Waterfront matters. Hopefully, this hearing will initiate administration attention. The Waterfront Committee is chaired by Councilwoman Debi Rose of Staten Island, with whom we have a good working relationship.

On May 2, MAPONY/NJ will attend a NYS DEC hearing which will discuss proposed revisions to upland management of navigational dredged material (NDM) through NYSDEC’s Beneficial Use Determination (BUD) process. It is our intent to work towards reducing the burdensome cost of dredging by effecting more reasonable solid waste beneficial use regulations in NYS.




Our report of ship stats for March 2016 is appended hereto. Although year-on-year comparisons show a decrease of 3 for the month of March, the Jan-Mar results are up by 14. Hopefully our good trend continues!




At the time of Super Storm Sandy, a new fresh water siphon (pipeline) was in the process of being constructed. When Sandy struck, the unfinished siphon was flooded with salt water, and the boring machine inside the tunnel was destroyed. A new boring machine had to be constructed, and the work on the siphon had to continue. The tunnel was being constructed from both the Brooklyn and Staten Island sides, with the intent for the pipes to meet midway and be joined. As we are completing the 50 foot Channel project, the “old” siphon is reducing the available draft. Upon completion and testing of the “new” siphon, the old siphon will be removed, and we will realize the “full” 50 foot channel draft. Unfortunately, the 2 halves did not perfectly “fit”, and additional work was required. The current status is as follows:


  • The removal of the siphon has been delayed (again) due to multiple reasons (including a slight “mis-match” when they were attempting to connect the siphon sections.
  • It is now estimated that the siphon will be removed, the area will be surveyed, and will be cleared for navigational purposes by “late Summer”. no exact date yet available.
  • While the siphon remains in place the Max draft is set at 44’6” at anytime, plus height of tide
  • When the siphon is removed the Max draft “could” be 48’ anytime plus height of tide.
  • IMPORTANT: It must be remembered that no matter what the “potential” Max draft may be established at, the REAL Max draft will be limited to what is available at the terminal berth.
  • NOTE: There is a maximum draft of 50‘ at most container berths…no tanker berths. Thus, the REAL Max draft will be 49’ to allow vessels to maintain a minimum 1’ Under Keel Clearance (UKC) and stay afloat while alongside the berth
  • Additionally, studies are being done to determine whether Ultra Large Container Vessels (ULCVs) may require an UKC of MORE than 2’ due to hydraulics in the channel. As guidance, some ports already handling the ULCVs are requiring as much as 4’ UKC to accommodate “squat” effects.


This is a recurring topic at the HOPs meetings…I’ll keep all interested parties advised of the evolving status