• The Port Authority has committed to conducting a review intended to create a 30 Year Master Plan for the Port of NY/NJ. An overview presentation was made to the Steering Committee of our Harbor Safety, Navigation and Operations Cttee at their 7 June 2017 meeting.
  • Hatch Consultants will be engaged for the roughly 15 month study which will conclude in February 2018. The consultants will be reaching out to many Port Stakeholders during the course of their study.
  • Charles Bontempo is the PANYNJ Project manager for this important undertaking.

Tappan Zee Bridge

  • The deconstruction of the “old” TZB will commence in Fall, 2017
  • Traffic is expected to shift to the new TZB during the first half of October 2017.
  • The main structure will be decommissioned and be deconstructed between October 2017 and July 2018. By the end of Summer 2018 the new permanent navigational lights will be operational.
  • During late November 2018 there will be a scheduled 48 hr closure of the main channel to lower the suspension span. During the closure, the West Span channel (360ft) would remain available. The actual closure date/time will be discussed and arranged between the TZB engineers, and the River users.
  • It is expected that there will be approximately 350 disposal barge trips up and downstream to dispose of the deconstructed materials.
  • We will use the same communications system/process as during the construction phase.


  • The SHIPPING 101 Spring Session was held at the Seamen’s Church Institute training room during June 12-16. 18 students were in attendance, and all students toured the GCT Bayonne container facility.
  • On June 16, 2017 presented an award to MIDN Connor Sexton during the annual US Merchant Marine Academy Awards Convocation held at Kings Point, NY

NY State Senate Hearing-S.3312

  • On June 5, 2017 MAPONY joined NYSA, MMMCA, and the Retail Shippers federation in testifying in FAVOR of NY Senate Bill S.3312 which is intended to remove the so-called “5-p” clause from the charter of the Waterfront Commission that allows the Waterfront Commission to limit the size of the longshore workforce in the Port. This clause results in a lack of flexibility for Port employers to employ what they consider to be the “right” size and skill set of the required workforce. No other port in the USA is limited by this kind of hiring restraint, and it makes our Port less competitive for new cargoes.


  • On 20 June, 2017 the PANYNJ facilitated a presentation by the Department of Labor which demonstrated the efficacy of formalized apprenticeship programs and demonstrated how funding was available to initiate and sustain such programs. Information regarding this initiative has been previously distributed to MAPONY/NJ Members.


  • Coordination meetings of key operational Port Stakeholders continue with the goal of ensuring that the SULCVs arrive safely, and operate in coordination with all port operations with a high degree of safety, and the least amount of operational conflict.
  • The next SULCV coordination committee meeting will be held on June 29.